Friday, June 12, 2020

Humility, reflectiveness and comfort with numbers

Hmmm. Yesterday, I was looking for the results of Tuesday's Georgia primaries and could not find them until I came across a report in Newsweek. Newsweek? I know they are still publishing but it has been a good while since I last saw anything useful or interesting from them. And then there they are with pertinent information no one else was covering.

And today another old icon. From 'Superforecasters' Are Making Eerily Accurate Predictions About COVID-19 by Tara Law. If you have Read Philip Tetlock' Superforecasters, there's not much new here.

But again, Time still exists and it has some interesting coverage. Who knew.

And there is a good paragraph in the article. It is well established but always worth emphasizing.
Unlike history’s prophets, forecasters like Roth do not claim to possess supernatural abilities. Instead, they say their accuracy is a result of using specific techniques to structure their thinking and constantly trying to improve their skills. Superforecasters also tend to share certain personality traits, including humility, reflectiveness and comfort with numbers. These characteristics might mean that they’re better at putting their ego aside, and are willing to change their minds when challenged with new data or ideas.
Ahh. But that our Mandarin Class shared those traits.
Humility, reflectiveness and comfort with numbers.
No use pining for that which does not exist but it would be nice.

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