Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Brawn and brain meet under unlikely circumstances

From A.J. Ayers, A Life by Ben Rogers.

Ayers was a leading British philosopher who encountered Mike Tyson, world heavyweight boxing champion in 1987.
Ayers, small, frail, slight as a sparrow and then 77 years old -- was entertaining a group of models at a New York party when a girl ran in screaming that her friend was being assaulted in a bedroom. The parties involved turned out to be Tyson and Naomi Campbell. "Do you know who . . . I am?" Tyson asked in disbelief when Ayer urged him to desist: "I'm the heavyweight champion of the world." "And I am the former Wykeham professor of logic," Ayer answered politely. "We are both pre-eminent in our field. I suggest that we talk about this like rational men."

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