Thursday, June 4, 2020

Bad things and making them worse

It would seems as if George Floyd's death could not be made more tragic. But it can.

From Here's the Real Story on George Floyd, Police Abuse, and Racism, and What You Should Do About It by Tyler O'Neil.
In fact, George Floyd was laid off during the coronavirus lockdown, but he was well-liked at the club where he worked. It is likely the club would have re-hired him in time — but the club itself burned down during the riots!
It only takes a modicum of empathy and human decency to imagine the difficulties of his life, the relief of a lifeline of a booming economy, all extinguished with his life through bad government policies.

We came off of two years of dramatic employment growth, wealth growth, and more modest but real income growth. Despite all the global challenges things were continuing to get better. Especially for the African-American community, enjoying the lowest unemployment ever.

And now, through chance (Covid-19), institutional incompetence (CDC and FDA), local government incompetence (un-targeted lockdowns), and violent subversion (Antifa), African-American communities are knocked back again.

Now that it is becoming clearer that Covid-19 is far less lethal than feared and far more concentrated in end-of-life victims, the economy will rebound. But once again coercive centralized policies (lockdowns and not policing riots) will have made things worse for everyone and much worse for those least able accommodate the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

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