Monday, September 9, 2019

The affair now took on a comic-opera appearance.

From The Road to Guilford Courthouse by John Buchanan. Page 136.
The affair now took on a comic-opera appearance. An hour was spent plundering the camp and drinking its liquid supplies, “taking the paroles of British officers, and preparing litters for the wounded. All this was transacted in full view of the British troops, who in the mean time consoled themselves with some military music & an interlude of 3 cheers for King George, which was immediately answered by 3 cheers” from the Rebels. Finally, loaded with plunder, reeling from strong drink, the Rebels marched off, if march is the proper word. Major Davie had a good view of their progression from his post as commander of the rear guard. “It is easy to conceive that this retreat could not be performed according to the rules of the most approved tacticks. However under all these disadvantages they filed off unmolested along the front of the Enemy about 1 O’clock.

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