Friday, September 6, 2019

Ideological pablum which is so much of the alternate fare

Perhaps a little heavy-handed but still usefully insightful. From What the Leftist SJW Culture Have in Common with Communist Chinese Culture by S.G. Cheah.

Here is a synopsis of the similarities she identifies.
No room for dissent or differing opinions - The American Left is notorious for their intolerance concerning differences of opinions. The same trend is observed in China today.

Communist China is obsessed with scrubbing and rewriting history — just like the American Far-left - It is obvious to everyone how the Tiananmen Square Massacre was perhaps one of the most egregious acts of human brutality in our modern history. Unfortunately, your average Chinese citizens are left in the dark about the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

China has a cancel culture — the SJW left is the same - If you keep up with Chinese news, there’s an interesting story about the Chinese government’s effort to “cancel” the online history of a Chinese MMA fighter. Why? Well, because he consistently challenges and successfully defeats Kung Fu and Tai Chi masters with his MMA style of combat. For this sin against the “Chinese national morale”, he is to be erased from the internet.

The Mobilization of children for propaganda purposes - Xu Xiaodong was “canceled” by the Chinese authorities because he was deemed to be a bad influence on the youth in China. This is unsurprising since the Chinese regime must monopolize and control the thoughts of their subjects, especially the young.

China is obsessed with class — as is the left - While we are on the topic of children, take note on another aspect of how the American SJW Left and their Chinese Communist comrades share a kinship when it comes to the matter of offsprings. Despite Mao’s initiative to eliminate all class distinction during his Cultural Revolution, Chinese society is still obsessed with judging people based on their personal wealth.

The left doesn’t understand the sanctity of ideas — and neither does the brainwashed Chinese masses - The ongoing protest in Hong Kong against China’s Extradition Bill has inspired a sense of renewed pride for the ideas of liberty in just about everybody in the free world. Everybody, that is, besides the American far-Left and the brainwashed Chinese citizens.

The Left is obsessed with the Nazis, just like how the Communist Chinese are still obsessed with Imperial Japan Is - It is also interesting to note how the SJW Left and their Communist Chinese comrade’s inability to think critically is manifested in their ongoing mutual hatred of the Axis powers till today.
I disagree with the penultimate point. I think the ideological left are entirely aware of the power of ideas. Just bad ones.

Aside from that this article is the promise of the internet - access to reporters beyond the entrenched mainstream media. While I agree with some points Cheah makes, others are not put in the fashion or to the degree I would choose. Such is diversity of viewpoint. You have to take the rough with the smooth. And better by far to have some rough in the mix over the homogenized, sterilized, ideological pablum which is so much of the alternate fare.

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