Saturday, July 20, 2019

So that's what its all about. COOL!!!

We were in Tripoli, Libya July 20, 1969 when the moon landing occurred. Wheelus Air Base was an American air base several miles outside of Tripoli and they had a radio station and a limited hours broadcasting TV station as well which we were able to receive. Not sure if they broadcast in the morning or not. They certainly came back on in the mid to late afternoon with a roster of Combat, Bonanza, Hogan's Heroes and the like. I think they closed up shop probably around 8 or 9pm. It was, of course, all in black and white.

The landing would have been around 9:20 pm, way past our bedtime. I can't be certain, but my recollection is that they broadcast it live. I do recall my mother not only allowing us to stay up but insisting we stay up to see something "historic," historic being a somewhat hazy concept to a nine year old.

I know that there had been lots of chatter about the approaching moon landing but to a kid it was all abstract like the GNP or the price of oil or something. What I recall most vividly was the crystalizing affect of that grainy video and the crackly voices. So that's what its all about. COOL!!!

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