Wednesday, October 10, 2018

It comes across as anti-freedom

From It is anti-woman to judge Susan Collins solely as a woman by Megan McArdle, making the same point I keep harping on. But she makes it better.
In addition to being a woman, Collins is a human being who has spent 65 years on this earth, forming her own unique set of beliefs and values. As a Republican, she naturally favors Republican ideas on many matters of law. She is also the elected representative of the people of Maine, with a duty to consider their interests and preferences, as she discerns them. And she is a member of the Senate, sworn by oath to defend the Constitution and to faithfully discharge her duties to the best of her abilities.

The idea that Collins has only one important identity, and that the identity ought to have been the beginning and the end of her judgment about Kavanaugh . . . well, that sounds like a distressing echo of misogynists who once insisted that women were all so similar, they could only want the same thing: a husband, a home and children.

Thank God for the bold, tireless generations of women who fought to liberate us from that stupid notion. But this woman, at least, will also thank their ideological successors to remember that liberation doesn’t mean much unless we’re actually free to be fully human.
I agree. The postmodernist, critical theory, social justice jacobins keep trying to shoe-horn everyone (and all their views and actions) into a paltry half dozen meager identities such as sex, orientation, race, religion, etc. They refuse to acknowledge that the wondrous diversity of mankind is in part based on the fact that we all choose our own identities, those identities are always in flux and the relative significance of those identities are hugely context dependent.

She only alludes to it, but I think McArdle is on to something else important. For a Classical Liberal, which most Americans are whether they identify as such or not, the narrowness and authoritarianism of social justice jacobins comes across as a fundamental assault on freedom in addition to being bog-standard bigotry.

Judging a person simply because they hold any of half-a-dozen "identities" is bigotry and then trying to force them to abandon any and all of their other identities seems tyrannical. It is, of course, not seen that way by the SJJs. They are just trying the make the world a better place. But that's not how it comes across. It comes across as anti-freedom.

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