Thursday, February 28, 2013

It is passing from infancy to senescence without ever reaching maturity

An interesting argument from David P. Goldman in Fertility, Faith, and the Decline of Islam: Strategic Implications
Like other religions rooted in traditional society, for example the nationalist-Catholic faith that Europeans abandoned after the two world wars, Islam cannot abide the onset of modernity. Some forms of religion can flourish in modernity; Islam is not one of them.

The variable that best predicts fertility across all Muslim countries is education: as soon as women become literate, they stop having children. That is a hallmark of a faith that melts away in the harsh light of modernity.

It is well that David Ignatius has noticed what Phillips, Kaufmann, Eberstadt, and I (not to mention Ahmadinejad and Erdogan) have noticed for years: Muslim civilization is in catastrophic decline. It is passing from infancy to senescence without ever reaching maturity.
The last line has echoes of the sentiment of the French newspaper La Liberté back in 1932 when they commented that
Americans are the only race which passed directly from barbarism to decadence without knowing civilization.

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