Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Kural

Kural is a form of very structured and abbreviated poems in the Tamil language. They hold a position not dissimilar to haiku in Japanese. I am reading the Penguin edition, The Kural by Tiruvalluvar writing sometime between 200BC and 800AD. It reminds me a little of Aldous Huxley and his Perennial Philosophy in that there are so many parallels between The Kural and adages from Aesop, from Mother Goose, Confucious, etc. It is in some ways remarkable how much residual wisdom lies embedded in these ancient texts.
Learn well what should be learnt, and then
Live your learning.

A man's conduct is the touchstone
Of his greatness and littleness.

Good friends are like good books -
A perpetual delight.

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