Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Saturday Night Live does Ecclesiastes

A serendipitous encounter with two Saturday Night Live skits from the past eight years highlighting the incestuous barren insularity of the institutional left and the dysfunctional absence of any sort of bench strength.  

I have commented a number of times on how disastrous the Obama administration was for the Democratic Party.  His singular focus on his personal political career ill-served the party.  At the end of his second term, the Democratic Party was down more than a thousand national elected roles (Governors, Senators, Representatives, State Attorney Generals, etc.) which constitute any party's bench of future talent for other elected positions.

That decimation was greater than the numbers indicate because many of the casualties were mid-career, i.e. they lost the strongest part of their future bench of talent.

The first SNL skit is on the epistemic and cultural insularity of the modern Democratic Left which they encountered in the 2016 election.  Funny because it is true and chilling because it is dysfunctional.

Double click to enlarge.

The second clip is from 2022 when the Democratic Party began to recognize the consequences of how empty their bench was of talent.  And it is even worse now.  Not only is it politically and legally difficult to replace Biden at this late date, even if that were feasible, there is still the horrifying question, "Replace with whom?"

Two old videos reflecting the current reality.  I would be tempted to quote Ecclesiastes 1:9-10

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. 

Except that they are unsympathetic to religious belief.

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