Sunday, July 28, 2024

You can only know that which they allow you to know

From internet memory holes by el gato malo.  The subheading is this issue looks to extend beyond just google

He starts with the discovery:

Google apparently was not returning anything in its autofill which you would expect given the event two weeks ago, such as 'assassination attempt on Trump.'

The bad cat tries other search engines and none of them autosuggest Trump.

Evil search engines and massive conspiracy to suppress knowledge?

this is not just google. it’s one big memory hole. i know some of the people who run these engines. some (like bendan eich) are longtime gatopals™.

they are not part of a shadowy cabal to erase the trump shooting.

i think this is something deeper and it’s at the media level, not the search engine level.

i think the most parsimonious explanation is not coordinated search engine meddling but rather the fact that there is nothing for which to search.

you simply do not see these words, “assassination” and “attempt” in the news stories to which things are linked.

you can find them in social media, but they are basically absent in media media.

they simply refused to call it that.

Then, even as he is writing his post, one of the search engine begins to autosuggest Trump. 

So it looks like a search engine conspiracy but it might instead be a media conspiracy.  And maybe it is only a matter of timing.  Eventually the legacy media (whose content heavily influences searches) begins to at least incorporate some of the more timely and curious knowledge turned up in blogs and social media.

We'll just have to see but it is most curious.

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