Friday, October 20, 2023

Without misinformation and disinformation, the mainstream media would have no product at all

The Babylon Bee is supposed to be a satirical humor site but comes dangerously close to accurate reporting, usually a few days or weeks before the mainstream media gets around to it.  The Bee currently has a humor article mocking how many stories the mainstream media either get lazily wrong or deliberately propagate even when known to be wrong, CNN Blames Fog Of War For Errant Reporting On Gaza Bombing, Russian Collusion, Jussie Smollett, Covington Catholic, Hunter’s Laptop, The Steele Dossier, Kyle Rittenhouse, Origins Of Covid (Continued In Article Please Click For More)

Even though it is intended as humorous, as it is in a tragic way, there is actually good value in the article.  I very occasionally attempt to keep track of which major stories the MSM get wrong and mislead the public away from productive discourse.  A rather Sisyphean task if there was one.  Sisyphean being the reason that the effort is so occasional.

But there it is in the headline and the article of the Babylon Bee.  Major stories which the mainstream media have gotten substantially long for prolonged periods of time for apparently political or ideological reasons and ends.

Errant Reporting On Gaza Bombing

Russian Collusion

Jussie Smollett

Covington Catholic

Hunter’s Laptop

The Steele Dossier

Kyle Rittenhouse

Origins Of Covid

Trump calling Charlottesville neo-nazis "fine people" 

COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness

Bubba Wallace garage noose

Trump telling people to inject themselves with bleach

BLM riots being "mostly peaceful"

Border Patrol agents whipping migrants

Trump commandeering his own limo

Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot

Jan 6 "insurrection" 

Duke University lacrosse team rape allegations

Critical race theory not being taught in public schools

How much money Michael Bloomberg could give every American

The effectiveness of wearing masks

"Two weeks to flatten the curve"

Joe Rogan and Ivermectin


Jeffrey Epstein

No irregularities in the 2020 election

Right-wing extremists planning to attack all 50 state capitals

Don Lemon being described as a journalist

Only 10 years left to stop climate change

Trump will start World War III

Joe Biden had no involvement in Hunter's international business dealings

Trump encouraged his supporters to storm the U.S. Capitol

Hillary Clinton had a 91% chance of winning the 2016 election

And as extensive as that list is, it is still incomplete.  Some obvious omissions where the mainstream media is routinely wrong.  In three minutes off the top of my head.  

Anthropogenic Global Warming

Disparate policing impact

Women are paid less than men for the same work

Affirmative Action and racial targets don't constitute racism

Mainstream media are viewpoint neutral

Rape culture on campus in general

UVA Fraternity Rape in particular

US is systemically racist and more so than any other country

Malign influence of good old boy network

Defunding police reduces crime

Decarceration and bail reform reduces crime

Rising national debt is a low consequence issue

Inflation is a low consequence issue 
Global warming is causing an increase in storms 
Bad weather is indicative of global warming 

Homelessness is an increasing problem across the US

The list is immense.  In some instances, the charge is that the mainstream media does not present the whole picture.  In other cases, that they don't do the easy work to report an empirical story.  In yet others, the issue is that there seems to be a pattern of deliberate misdirection or misreporting.

All the chatter about government need to root out misinformation and disinformation becomes even more alarming in the above context.  All information is subject to the accusation of misinformation and disinformation.  Especially in a world where most of that which is reported is mere opinion.  As the Roman Emperor Aurelius said, "All is opinion."

There also being the old Latin maxim De gustibus non est disputandum,

In matters of taste, there can be no disputes

The advocates for controlling misinformation and disinformation (aside from being delusional) are clearly and singularly interested in revoking one of the most fundamental of constitutional human rights in order to exert greater coercive control.  The don't mind the massive amount of mainstream media misinformation as long as it serves the establishment purpose.  

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