As an empirical rationalist, though flawed, I am astonished by so many things done by the chattering classes these days. It is obvious that blue state governors, in anticipating the November elections (nothing concentrates the chattering class mind like an election), are beginning, at least nominally, to open up their states. I see a lot of grand announcements and then later see that there are a pantheon of asterisks attached to those announcements such that there is a theoretical opening more than a real one.
What has astonished me the most is what seems the most blindingly obvious. 1) Children are at virtually no risk, vaccinated or unvaccinated, from of any serious complication from Covid-19; 2) the vaccines being approved for children are of both questionable efficacy given the evolving variants and unknown risk (given the unexpected plunge in efficacy and the unexpected non-sterilization; and 3) School lockdowns and masking have no discernible population level beneficial impact on a virus which is highly infectious, is seasonal, and is driven by variants.
Since the risks of new children vaccines are unknown to suspected negative, since the risks from infection are de minimus, and since masking and lockdowns have no impact on spread - all pretty well documented not just in the US but around the world - why are not blue-state governors at least suspending all virtual teaching and returning to in-class education, abandoning vaccine mandates for children, and abandoning masking mandates and isolation when exposed requirements.
It would have absolutely no impact on public health, it would dramatically improve the mental, physical and educational well-being of children, it would allow family life to return to normal, with a corresponding return to pre-Covid employment patterns.
My sense is that school unpredictability has been one of the most negatively perceived public health policies and the most widely reviled. Do politicians not see that? Do they not believe that there is no benefit to continuing with what hasn't worked so far? I don't know but when you interpret the world through a rational actor lens, this has been one of the great surprises to me.
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