Thursday, January 13, 2022

What were they thinking?

From McConnell Destroys Joe Biden on Senate Floor by Matt Margolis.  I am much less interested in the political commentary than I am in one specific aspect of Biden's speech.

“At consequential moments in history, they present a choice: Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?” Biden said.

Does Biden not have anyone around him that knows or reads history?  Or understands rhetoric?  Or thinks?

In this sort of rhetorical formulation, you want, as a Democrat, for the good person to be a Democrat and the bad person to be a Republican.  What do we have here?

Dr. King - Non-party affiliated
George Wallace - Democrat
John Lewis - Democrat
Bull Connor - Democrat
Abraham Lincoln - Republican
Jefferson Davis - Democrat

The baddies in his contrasts are all Democrats!  Did no one notice that George Wallace, Bull Connor, and Jefferson Davis were all Democrats?  In particular, did they not notice Davis was a slave owner and Connor and Wallace were both States Rights Democrats opposed to integration?

Is there no one in the White House with even minimal intellectual knowledge?

And the best and most revered amongst this list of more or less recognizable names is Abraham Lincoln.  A Republican and the Great Emancipator!  

And the next most revered name?  Dr. Martin Luther King was a critic of both parties and especially critical of the Democratic party's support of Dixiecrats.  

Two of the three "good guys" are not Democrats, one being a Republican, and all three of the "bad guys" were Democrats.

What were Biden's speech writer's thinking?  What were Biden's advisor's thinking?

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