Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Racism, no matter who practices it, is still racism

The Democratic party seems always reverts to coercive racism.  From ‘It Was Just Disbelief’: Parent Files Complaint Against Atlanta Elementary School After Learning the Principal Segregated Students Based on Race by Niara Savage.

Atlanta Public Schools has long had a hard row to hoe.  Under Beverly Hall, the former School Superintendent, teachers were pressed to raise performance which translated into massive multi-year teacher cheating in order to improve the appearance of performance, given the persistent under-performance of the Atlanta schools.  

In this story today reported in a black newspaper, a black parent at one of the few majority white schools in Atlanta, complains to the black headmaster of an elementary school about the principal's policy, (apparently continued from last year), of segregating elementary children into 6 white classrooms and 2 black classrooms.  

In a city with a black majority school board, black mayor, black majority City Council and black majority police force we have a black school principal resurrecting segregation?

Posey, who is vice president of operations for the parent teacher association, according to the school website, first learned of the separation after she contacted Briscoe to request that her daughter be placed in a specific classroom with a certain teacher. Briscoe replied by saying that would not work because the teacher’s classroom wasn’t for Black students, Posey claims.

“She said that’s not one of the Black classes, and I immediately said, ‘What does that mean?’ I was confused. I asked for more clarification. I was like, ‘We have those in the school?’ And she proceeded to say, ‘Yes. I have decided that I’m going to place all of the Black students in two classes,’” Posey said.

According to Shields, “Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 says that you cannot treat one group of people differently based upon race, and that is what is going on at Mary Lin.”

Posey pushed for her daughter not to be placed in a segregated classroom. “I explained to her she shouldn’t be isolated or punished because I’m unwilling to go along with your illegal and unethical practice,” Posey said.

In a recorded phone call between Posey and an assistant principal, the administrator confirmed that it was the principal’s idea to separate the students.

“I just wish we had more Black kids, and then some of them are in a class because of the services that they need,” the administrator said.

The principal knew about the segregation policy, the teachers knew, you would think the parents would have known, certainly the School Board must have known.  They all went along with a policy of student segregation by race.

What was the Principal thinking?  We don't know but given the popularity of critical race theory, an inherently racist ideology especially popular in Democratic circles and the Education establishment, you can see where an over-credentialed and under-educated Principal might come to the conclusion that segregating black children to be taught, presumably, by black teachers would be a great way of . . . what?  Fighting racism?  Achieving better educational results?  Establishing credentials as progressive?  

Simply astonishing.  The sooner we are done with Social Justice Theory and Critical Race Theory the better.  The sooner we revert to Age of Enlightenment Classical Liberal values of universal humanism, tolerance, scientific reasoning, empiricism, etc. the better. 

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