FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD.They were farm people and this was a valuable asset.
STRAYED from the subscriber on the 24th of May last, a dark bay mare, about 4 feet 9 inches high. 9 or 10 years old with a switch tail and short hanging mane, rather bushy, with a few grey hairs about her withers, supposed to be occasioned by the collar, some white upon one of her hind feet feet below the footlock [fetlock], was seen to swim across Appamattox river, into Amelia, where Goode's bridge formerly stood, and had on a pin yoke tied with a rope when she crossed the river. Whoever delivers the said mare to Daniel Walthall or Hodge Dunavanat in Amelia county, or to me in Chesterfield, on Swift Creek, near Petersburg, sha11 receive the above reward. EDWARD VARNIER
Compare the precision of this description to most those on NextDoor when a deeply loved dog or cat gets loose. Very rough description of breed, size, color, maybe whether grown or puppy, but that's about it. We don't pay as close attention and do not translate our observations into such pertinent and descriptive language as they used to. Or, at least, in this particular instance.
You could almost sketch the horse from that 51 word description.
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