Saturday, September 21, 2019

Luck or skill?

It is simply astonishing. The man is wily beyond belief or astonishingly lucky. It keeps happening.

The two scraps for the political table over which the press have been snarling for a week or two are 1) A revisiting of the Kavanaugh allegations based on a new book out by a couple of people posing as NYT reporters, and 2) A whistle blower allegation of unknown nature, by an unknown person over alleged, wrongful discussion by Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart.

The authors of the Kavanaugh expose had their boat blown up before it was even fully launched. Their employer, the New York Times, included excerpts which destroyed the credibility of the Times and of the reporter/authors.

They mustered a fresh allegation without mentioning that the purported victim denied the incident completely. That is kind of a big omission. The authors have been doing the publicity rounds for their new book, now dogged by harsh questions about the bias in their research and the misrepresentation of the charges. Even the usual stablemates of the NYT are calling them out for shoddy work that contributes nothing to the factual record and only reminds everyone about the shameful effort at character assassination conducted the first time round.

If I were Nancy Pelosi or the DNC I would be holding my head in my hands.

There was Beto O'Rourke, trying to salvage his campaign by acknowledging what everyone else has denied - We will take your guns.

There was the revisiting of the Kavanaugh clown show, reminding everyone why the MSM can't be trusted.

Then there was the whistle blower.

Everyone was so excited about this smidgen of nothing. Someone said something might possibly be amiss - Call Out the Special Prosecutor.

While the President has nearly complete latitude and is beyond legal reach as his actions fall squarely within the normal boundaries of Presidential action, it seemed that there was a plausible possibility that he had said something foolishly imprecise or inappropriate. And maybe we will see that eventually.

But in the meantime, everyone is now talking about Joe Biden inappropriately acting during his vice presidency to wave off an investigation of his son's commercial activities in the Ukraine, and the free sinecure his son has received from a suspect Ukrainian gas company. They haven't even gotten to China yet, where there are further suspect deals.

There is nothing new here; the press has been ignoring those allegations for years. Now, because the MSM wanted to ambush Trump with a vestigial allegation, they are being forced to talk about Biden père et fils, and their involvement with foreign corrupt companies. It also highlights how rich politicians get richer and benefit their own at the expense of others. There is even video of Biden bragging about his having squashed the investigation of his son's activities by the Ukrainian government in return for foreign aid.

The press really did not want to talk about Hunter Biden's corrupt contracts but now their own actions are forcing them to do so.

Watching from the sidelines as the MSM keeps seizing on some tangential and usually normal activity on the part of the President and then seeing their torpedo circling back and exploding on them, you have to wonder. Is Trump lucky, does he simply goad them into stupid actions, are they that clueless or is he such a master of manipulating the MSM that he always comes out on top? Maybe some combination of all four but it is astonishing to see the same gif replay over and over again.

UPDATE: It just occurred to me that there is an odd symmetry here. Trump's presidency was launched with a completely fabricated claim by the losing candidate that there was Trump-Russia collusion; a claim created and purchased by the DNC from shady foreign characters; a claim sustained in the face of all evidence and probabilities by the mainstream media for nearly three years. Until Mueller put a stake through its heart.

Now we face a real claim of well-documented corrupt collusion between their own candidate and foreign powers (Ukraine and China), a claim which has been acknowledged, and to a degree bragged about by Biden. A claim which the mainstream media has been ignoring for years. And now the MSM and the DNC are being hoisted on their own petard.

The manufactured claims against their opponent in 2016 have morphed into real claims against their front-runner in 2020.

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