Saturday, September 21, 2019

Best of the Bee

1 comment:

  1. Biography
    I'm a high-energy 70-year-old who loves to write. Back when I was a kid growing up in

    the Deep South, we used to sit under grandmother's dining room table, sharing ghost

    stories after dinner. That got me hooked on storytelling. As a Presbyterian Minister and

    community building consultant, my work brings me in contact with community leaders who

    are mobilizing others to make a positive difference in so many communities around the

    United States and the world. Building Communities of Hope highlights some of these

    incredible people and amazing communities. People who are community builders build upon

    community assets, bring others to the table and create networks of

    compassion.Organizations that serve communities, like healthcare systems and schools,

    can be anchors in communities. At my age, I'm finding it increasingly important to

    support people and organizations that overcome obstacles to create long-lasting positive

    change. We can overcome challenges, inequities, and disasters when we mobilize for

    collective impact. It's a wild and wonderful ride!
    communities of hope
