Monday, December 3, 2018

Things you didn't even consider getting worried about

I try and resist the temptation of linking to improbable headlines. Its a cheap consequence of a media-rich environment. There are just too many.

But I have exceeded my quota for resisting today, there have been so many. I'll put up the most recent two and hope there are no more.
CNN Lets ‘Food Babe’ Spout Pseudoscience on Lettuce Outbreak
They spout pseudoscience on many things, I don't know why there should be an embargo for lettuce. And if I am going to have pseudoscience spouted, I certainly would prefer it come from a babe rather than the usual mushrooms.

Nigeria's President Buhari denies dying, being replaced by lookalike
What more can you say? He would say that, wouldn't he.

New Jersey mayor, councilman filmed brawling outside casino
Surely that's a dog bites man story?

Dutch Court Rules 69-Year-Old Man Can’t Legally Declare Himself 20 Years Younger
A disappointment to social constructionists everywhere.

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