Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Washe the Temples of your Heade often with Rose-Water

H/T Anne Althouse.

How to Improve Your Brain, 1596 by Elizabeth Archibald.

Here is the list of things good for the brain.
A Rule to knowe what thinges are good and holosome for the Braine.
To eate Sage, but not overmuch,
To drinke Wine measurablie,
To keepe the Head warme,
To washe your Hands often,
To heare litle noise of Musicke or Singers,
To eate Mustarde & Pepper,
To smell the sauour of Red-roses,
& to washe the Temples of your Heade often with Rose-Water.
Regrettably, cheese is on the list of things bad for the brain. How then to explain the high IQs of Sweden, Switzerland and the Netherlands?

And what's the business with the roses?

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