Friday, February 28, 2025

Envoys From Alexandria By C.P. Cavafy

Envoys From Alexandria
By C.P. Cavafy
Translated by Rae Dalven

They had not seen, for ages, such lovely gifts in Delphi 
as these which had been sent by the two brothers, 
the two rival Ptolemaic kings. After they had received 
the gifts, however, the priests were uneasy about the oracle. 
They will need all their experience to compose with astuteness, 
which of the two, which of such two will be displeased. 
And they sit in council in secret at night 
and discuss the family affairs of the Lagidae. 

But see, the envoys have come back. They are saying farewell. 
They are returning to Alexandria, they say. They do not seek 
any oracle whatever. And the priests hear this with joy 
(it is understood they keep the remarkable gifts), 
but they are also bewildered in the extreme, 
not understanding what this sudden indifference means. 
For they are unaware that yesterday grave news reached the envoys. 
The oracle was pronounced in Rome; the division took place there. 

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