Friday, June 14, 2024

I'm actually a hillbilly from Appalachia, but for the moment, I self-identify as a Jew.

While Biden opened his presidency with the improbable claim that he would be a uniter rather than a divider, I certainly did not anticipate this act of unity.

Just as an aside, the brawling, justice seeking, cantankerous nature of the Scots-Irish (concentrated especially in the Appalachians) has been well documented in Albion's Seed by David Hackett Fischer and Born Fighting by James Webb.  

The Scots-Irish, rock-ribbed Presbyterians have always been a disproportionate percentage of our leaders and of the military.  And have also been long reviled by the bien pensant of the Mandarin Class.  They have been characterized as white supremacists, Christian Nationalists, anti-semitic racists.  Materially untrue but that's the received stereotype among the Woke elite.  

In his desperate pursuit of Somali and Muslim votes in Michigan and other mid-west states, Biden has been especially indulgent of the noisy, violent, flag burning (American and Israeli), anti-semitic protesters on campuses and select blue cities near you.  A blatant and unpleasant anti-semitism alien to most Americans and certainly to most Normals.

So I really liked this rather striking example of unity.

I'm your huckleberry by Martin Hackworth.  The subheading is 

Yo, you over there in the keffiyeh asking about Zionists on this bus. I'm actually a hillbilly from Appalachia, but for the moment, I self-identify as a Jew. Come on over and let's have a chat.

Appalachian, Scots-Irish Presbyterian whites happily self-identifying as Jewish in order to right a demonstrable wrong.  Now there's a Uniter for you.  An amusing essay that captures a vibe that I think is quite real and unreported.

Echoes of Next of Kin from 1989.  

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