Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Emotionally overwrought fanatics

Oh my goodness. 

I saw this video on Ann Althouse and it is indeed somewhat bemusing.  She is asking her readers for context.
And one of her readers is able to provide it.  Apparently this was a trans protest at the University of North Texas in 2022.  A young boy is being prepared for transition by his mother and against the objections of the father.   Legislation is being proposed to forbid the practice of transitioning young children. 

Althouse's commenter shares a British podcast which covered the incident at the time.  From the Lotus Eaters.  

Double click to enlarge.

It is striking to me that I learn of an incident like this from overseas media.  I hear nothing of it in the US.  

What is most striking to me in this whole folderol is at 5:40 on the above clip.

A whole room of similarly attired fanatic protestors shouting in unison at a single speaker up front.  Accusing him of being a fascist.

The irony is holistic.  A chanting mob behaving in the fashion of fascist brown shirts seeking to overwhelm and censor a single person by accusing him of being a fascist.  The intellectual rot is deep and we are being swayed by emotionally overwrought fanatics.  

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