Sunday, November 27, 2022

Systems with open communications tend to self correct

A very excellent thread drawing a comparison between the aviation industry approach to threats and dangers and the approach demonstrated by the public health sector.  A comparison not favorable to public health.
Click through for the thread.

KC-10 Driver indirectly makes a point which I think to be extremely critical.  Systems with open communications tend to self correct.  Incentives are valuable.  Training, skills, and credentials are important.  But all of them together, without open communications, will often fail.  As demonstrated with the Covid-19 public health fiasco.

The ignorance, arrogance, and mandating were bad enough but the effort to suppress dissenting opinions and contrary evidence is what ultimately brought down the whole "experts" charade.  The mainstream media conspired, along with the tech companies, to create a shadow system of censorship but it eventually became obvious.

Free speech is the hallmark of Age of Enlightenment culture and Classical Liberal thought.  There is no red flag brighter than any effort at restricting the freedom of speech and making selected data and opinions unacceptable.  

It is why all authoritarian systems will eventually fail.  They make a long time to do so but they will inevitably fail, and faster the more complex and more rapidly evolving might be the circumstances.  Complex systems are prone to misdiagnosis and you need both the incentive structures and the freedom of communication that allows for constant adjustments and course corrections.  Without those corrections, ultimately authoritarian systems drive themselves off the rails.

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