Friday, March 20, 2020

Apart from all the male deaths, women hardest hit.

Oh dear. And only published yesterday, so no excuses. From The Coronavirus Is a Disaster for Feminism by Helen Lewis. It follows the old decrepit formula - Crisis X, Women Hardest Hit. It doesn't matter what crisis or what the empirical truth. For some stripe of feminists, apparently including Lewis, women are always the victims and are always hardest hit.
But one of the most striking effects of the coronavirus will be to send many couples back to the 1950s. Across the world, women’s independence will be a silent victim of the pandemic.
Lewis, Delphi-like, is forecasting both the course of the pandemic as well as the second and third-order consequences. And for a feminist such as she is, it is all darkness. The patriarchy will rise again.

All just so much twaddle. Mere neurotic blathering from a fevered ideological obsession.

Lewis acknowledges that actual empirical data might not support her babble.
Purely as a physical illness, the coronavirus appears to affect women less severely.
Well, that's one way to acknowledge that, depending on the country, 55-75% of Covid-19 deaths are male. "Pandemics affect men and women differently." They do. They kill more men.

Cognitive pollution from an ideologically fevered mind. Shame on The Atlantic. The real picture is available from Coronavirus appears to be more fatal in men than women by Joseph Guzman. Doesn't quite feed the all women are all victims all the time ideology but it does have the advantage of being true.

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