Friday, July 12, 2019

Incomprehensibly stupid

Florida mother arrested after filming viral video of daughter licking tongue depressor, putting it back at doctor's office by Jessica Campisi.
The incident is the latest in a string of viral videos featuring people licking various items. A video of an unidentified woman licking a tub of ice cream in a Texas Walmart and placing it back in the freezer gained national attention. She was arrested and could face a second-degree felony charge of tampering with a consumer product, which carries a sentence of up to 20 years in prison.

Her video has since inspired copycats in other states, including Louisiana, where a man was arrested for opening a tub of ice cream in a store, licking it and returning it to the shelf.
What is this - competitive stupidity. What on earth could inspire someone to see a video of a disgusting anti-social act which is also illegal, and then think - "I want to do that."

Of course it is hard to determine relative stupidity. The one who films themselves doing such a thing and posting it to social media or the one who sees it on social media and thinks "Good Idea!"

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