Saturday, May 11, 2019

UN delegates were less enchanted when he gave the longest ever speech to the General Assembly

From Small Wars, Faraway Places by Michael Burleigh. Page 423.
“Just before his departure on a tour of the US in April 1959, Fidel explained at a reception in the US embassy that elections could not be held before necessary agrarian reforms and general improvements to popular health and education. His unstructured visit to the US distracted from that significant shift in priorities. Predictably he was fêted at various Ivy League universities, where the spoiled offspring of the Western bourgeoisie found much to like in this tropical communitarian, so removed in spirit from the dull puritanism of Moscow or Beijing. Newspaper editors were charmed by Castro’s jokes, as were the usual suspects from the American gauche caviar. UN delegates were less enchanted when he gave the longest ever speech to the General Assembly.

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