Monday, June 9, 2014

Success? Serving others

I think I have mentioned it in the past in the context of foreign affairs and international relations but I am struck by the reversal of the stereotypes I carry from my youth (and which to some extent you still see today) between Democrats and Republicans.

In my youth I had the impression of Democrats being the party for global engagement, trade and exchange and the Republicans being isolationist and xenophobic. Today it is, in terms of policy, largely the reverse. When exactly did that happen?

Likewise with the stereotypes around interpersonal relations. Democrats were the ones who were about individualism, community involvement, serving others, giving more than receiving and Republicans were supposed to be about greed and self-interest and subjugation of individual to national interests. Today, in terms of policy and measured evidence, it seems again like the roles have been reversed.

This was brought to mind by Should You Follow Your Passion? by Jeff Carter. The two relevant comments were:
Following your passion is extremely dangerous and it’s rare when the two meet. Passions can change. They can evolve. What happens if you are passionate about fly fishing, follow your passion, and fail?


Instead, find something to do that people want. Being of service to them will make you feel good. They’ll pay you for it if it’s valuable.
I don't know if Jeff Carter is a Republican or a conservative, but he is certainly a capitalist and the odds are probably good.
Jeffrey Carter is an angel investor and independent trader. He specializes in turning concepts into profits. In April of 2007, he co-founded Hyde Park Angels, one of the most active angel groups in the United States. He is a former member of the CME Board of Directors. Currently he is trying to raise a small VC fund, West Loop Ventures. He is a graduate of the University of Illinois College of Business, and has an MBA from the University of Chicago, Booth Graduate School of Business.
I would also infer that he is conservative from the general tenor of some of his posts such as If You Protested At McDonald’s Yesterday; Quit Your Job by Jeff Carter which fully comport with Classical Liberalism (al la Adam Smith) but are inconsistent with modern Liberalism.

But look at what he is saying - being of service to others is the best route to good life outcomes. And look at what he does in terms of community involvement.
Mr. Carter is a Trustee at the National World War Two Museum in New Orleans, LA. The museum has been designated by Congress as the nation’s museum for all things World War Two. Please donate online.
He is just a single example and I am not intending to rest the case on him alone. It just seems like today the roles have reversed; Republicans are about service and community and protecting the individual from the intrusions of the state and Democrats, well, not so much.

Since I am largely of the "A pox on both of them" school of thought, I am not trying to make a particular political point. I am just curious as to whether what I think I see is real and if so what were the dynamics that brought it about.

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