Sunday, September 5, 2010

Faithful old Mr. Brain

Old Mr. Brain from The Children's Book Number One 1907-1908.
Old Mr. Brain

Old Mr. Brain is fat and round
He is dressed in a coat of gray;
He sits alone in his office snug,
The whole of the live-long day.

Old Mr. Brain is a busy man,
He toils with all his might;
First to awake at peep of day,
And last to sleep at night.

Old Mr. Brain never leaves his place,
Way up in the top of the head;
Always at home from the time he's born,
Until the day he's dead.

Old Mr. Brain has messengers five,
Their names you now shall hear,
The come from the skin and the tongue and the nose,
They come from the eye and the ear.

Touch is the sense that lies in the skin,
How everything feels, he tells.
The tongue is for taste and the ear for sound,
And the nose is the home of smells.

The eye is the wonderful home of sight,
So that old Mr. Brain can see
To let in the light of the world without -
"The window of the soul" is he.

Hurrah! Hurrah! for the senses five.
Hurrah! and Hurrah! again.
May the life be long and the work well done,
Of faithful old Mr. Brain.

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