Monday, May 13, 2024

The words change but the fear and the aversion always remain the same.

There has in the past couple of years, been a diligent effort to introduce the concept of "Christian Nationalism" into the public discourse.  As usual, the effort seems political motivated, arising from murky NGOs and Foundations and succored through legacy mainstream media and cratering academia but with little uptake.  So far.  

Clearly, the left partisans want to link "Christian Nationalism" with the similarly unobvious "Far Right" and link those with terrorism and any other manifestation of opposition to the gilded Mandarin Class and their hobby horse approach to governance.  

The principal challenge for the legacy media has been that there is no there there.  What is "Christian Naitonalism"?  Who, specifically, are "Christian Nationalists?"  Show me names and faces.  

But nothing.  There is mere vaporous accusations about loose concepts.  Its the same with "Far Right."  Who is "Far Right?"  Rarely are names offered and when they are, they are almost always patently absurd.  It would be fair, given the absence of specific evidence, to assume that the whole thing is a mere political dodge.  

Because the inverse is easy to answer.  Who are the "Far Left?"  Well, at least the Democratic Socialists of America such as Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Cori Bush.  How about the Squad?  DSA members with greater violent rhetoric.  In addition to the DSA members, probably; Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley,  Jamaal Bowman, Greg Casar, Summer Lee of Pennsylvania, and Delia Ramirez. 

Beyond Congress, the Far Left would include BLM, OWS, ANTIFA, the BDS movement, and the various pro-Hamas supporters.  

The Far Left is real with specific identifiable individuals and movements and actions (often violent).  The Far Left clearly exists.  All the gaseous nattering about a putative "Christian Nationalism" and "Far Right" so far seem, thankfully, to be projection and gaslighting.  

More at The Smear Campaign Against ‘Christian Nationalists’ by Ralph Reed.  The subheading is The label is ‘assigned’ to Americans who believe there is a link between faith and freedom.  

It strikes me, however, that the slandering of evangelical Christians is more than a campaign strategy or proof of secularism’s triumph. Stripped of its academic jargon and pretense, it is a fashionable but insidious bigotry that seeks to marginalize and disqualify from our civic discourse tens of millions of Americans who take their faith seriously.

Perhaps.  But beyond the sheer ideological instrumentality of this manufactured issue, I think this has less to do with religious bigotry than it has to do with the deeply ingrained Anti-Americanism and Class hatred on display in the past decade or so.  Examples.  

So it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy towards people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations. - Barack Obama, fundraiser 2008.

You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. - Hillary Clinton, fundraiser, 2016.

There seems an atavistic drive to other those citizens who disagree with policies and governance adhored by the Mandarin Class.  Making up new names such as "far right" and "Christian nationalist" seems simply of a piece with the broader worldview of that Mandarin Class.  They are always afraid of free citizens whom they regard with disdain as peasants.   The words change but the fear and the aversion always remain the same.

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