Friday, April 5, 2024

Never assume the "old" can be dismissed.

I first heard this story from a Norwegian when I was a young boy visiting Oslo in the late 1960's, in a chill mid-April.  It would then have been only twenty-five some years since the events the old gentleman described.  It is now more than half a century since I heard the story that first time.  Time runs on but the stories preserve. 

It moved me then.  It moves me still.  Here is another retelling.  From Fullbore Friday by Cdr. Salamander.  The subheading is even old weapons crewed by older men can save a nation

Will your nation be able to stay out of this war? Which side will try to seize your capital? Will they keep for themselves? Your nation just wants to be left out of everyone else's wars. You have no claim on anyone's land or treasure. You insult no one. You just want to be left alone. 

You are old - well past you life expectancy. When you started your service, most nations were just getting their first steel warships, there were no cars, trains were a rare treat - and the only things that flew flapped their wings. 

Your command is over a hundred years old, your weapons are older than the fathers of the raw recruits you have running around your battlements. Your main guns are 50 years old.

This is your Command though - your young soldiers make up for their lack of experience by the bravery that comes from bravado and ignorance. That will be good enough.


Never assume the "old" can be dismissed. Do not discount old officers and inexperienced men who are fighting in their home waters. Do not assume away challenges with fairy dust and hopes.The Norwegians during the Battle of Drøbak sound. Fullbore.

Read the whole thing.

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