Thursday, November 3, 2022

Stiff in opinions, always in the wrong

The passage is from Absalom and Achitophel by John Dryden (1631-1700).  He is describing the character of Zimri in the play, who is based on the 2nd Duke of Buckingham in real life.  While Buckingham's sins were more those of the flesh and profligacy while Fauci's are more the sins of hubris and arrogance, the verse description almost matches both.  

Character of George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham
By John Dryden

Some of their chiefs were princes of the land:
In the first rank of these did Zimri stand,
A man so various, that he seemed to be
Not one, but all mankind’s epitome:
Stiff in opinions, always in the wrong,
Was everything by starts, and nothing long,
But, in the course of one revolving moon,
Was chemist, fiddler, statesman, and buffoon,
Then all for women, painting, rhyming, drinking,
Besides ten thousand freaks that died in thinking.
Blest madman, who could every hour employ
With something new to wish or to enjoy,
Railing, and praising, were his usual themes;
And both, to show his judgment, in extremes:
So over-violent, or over-civil,  
That every man with him was god or devil.
In squandering wealth was his peculiar art;
Nothing went unrewarded but desert.
Beggared by fools, whom still he found too late,
He had his jest and they had his estate.
He laughed himself from court, then sought relief
By forming parties, but could ne’er be chief;
For spite of him, the weight of business fell
On Absalom and wise Achitophel.
Thus, wicked but in will, of means bereft,
He left not faction, but of that was left.

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