Thursday, November 10, 2022

Oh for a president of all Americans

This is a minor deal but perhaps also indicative of a mindset.  

One of the criticisms of President Biden is that, despite aspiring to be a uniter, the message in his election campaign, he has been a very divisive executive.  He is not connected with the populace in any meaningful way and when he does occasionally give speeches, he frequently demonizes his political opponents and those who disagree with him.  His presidential speeches come across as campaign speeches at best or incitements to repression at worst.  

All executives, hereditary or elected, should keep in mind the dreadful consequences of in-artfully expressed wishes such as befell Henry II with his "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest."  Biden seems perfectly comfortable to carelessly demonize and incite.

His propensity to use federal resources to fish for evidence to find charges and to monitor opponents without cause provides further fuel to concerns among civil libertarians.

Biden is not unique in either of these tendencies (though perhaps a little more so in the combination of them.)  But he presented as the antithesis of how he has chosen to govern.  

Below is another example of his inappropriately melding together political campaign animal, personal animosity and office.  Joe Biden has multiple email accounts.  He has personal email accounts and he has political email accounts.  He also has the institutional email account of that of the office of the presidency of the United States.  

The following political messaging comes from his official email account of the presidency of the United States.  The office which is of all Americans not just party supporters. 
There can be some delicate lines to be navigated in use of the institutional account and those are often ignored or carelessly transgressed.  However, this is clearly a political campaign message to his political supporters, not a message from the president of the United States to all Americans.  It clearly should have come from his political email account.  From the presidential account, it comes across as a deliberate nose-thumbing of the half of Americans who do not support him or his party. 

Regardless of the asserted content and its interpretation, this is clearly and obviously inappropriate.  It could, and ought to be dismissed as a mere error on the part of the communications team except that it fits the pattern of governance.  Monomaniacal and vindictive.

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