Saturday, October 1, 2022

The Law of Merited Impossibility

The reader says that Freddie’s account is an example of my Law of Merited Impossibility, which states: “It will never happen, and when it does, you bigots will deserve it.”

About a decade ago, I came up with the Law of Merited Impossibility as an aid to understanding why it is that conservatives who took liberals at their word — specifically on the gay marriage issue — were being played for patsies. The liberals would assure us that this radical thing they were calling for would never be used to persecute or marginalize conservatives … and when gullible conservatives and moderates assented to it, the victorious liberals would soon turn on them, saying it’s a matter of justice that bigots be suppressed.

Give them an inch and they will always take the mile is another of looking at this.

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