Sunday, October 2, 2022

Not obviously wrong but not necessarily right either.

I'm reading an Ann Althouse post, Now, I'm thinking I have 2 kinds of readers: the ones who are saying why should I know or care about the Madison Public Market and....  Sort of inside baseball.  When Milwaukee started a public market five years ago under the virtue signaling auspices of racial equity and justice, Althouse expressed puzzlement and skepticism.  The Mayor of Madison threw a little hissy fit.  There was tit for tat.  And now, the Madison Public Market is on its final financial legs.  What seemed like a good idea to the central planners apparently did not have traction with the consuming citizenry.

The first comment to her post is.

Joe Smith said...
Always hold a grudge and settle scores when you can.

This is the right thing to do...I'm serious : )

9/30/22, 5:57 PM

Which strikes me as not obviously wrong but not necessarily right either.  

Which reminds me of a line from the movie Land of the Lost with Will Farrell which I watched last night.  The character Will Stanton observes.

Never trust a guy in a tunic.

Which struck me at the time in the same manner as Joe Smith's heuristic.  Not obviously wrong but not necessarily right either.  

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