Thursday, July 15, 2021

There is a cult of ignoranace

I have commented in the past about the inversion of our two parties.  Democrats used to be the party of the working man, civil rights, Bill of Rights, due process, international involvement, a big tent, anti-racism, etc.  Republicans used to be the party of the establishment and a focus on control of society.

Now it is Republicans who are the party of the big tent, America first, the working man, insistent on due process, opponents of the new racism, etc.  

Here is another inversion which I hadn't particularly considered.

Click to enlarge.

It used to be the Republicans who were so easy to characterize as anti-intellectual and the party of the status quo and ignorance.  Now the winds of anti-intellectualism blows most from the Democrats with the religious passion for Marxist equality of outcomes, banning of tests, endorsement of Critical Race Theory, pursuit of Social Justice, studied ignoring of perfectly well established facts if they contradict the party narrative, de-platforming, information suppression, etc.

It doesn't matter whether ignorance is from the left or the right.  We all should want the Age of Enlightenment pursuit of the truth through free speech and the marketplace of ideas.  

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