Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Burying the lede

This did not seem especially surprising to me. Women are half the electorate. On any given issue, I expect they will be 45-55% of the respondents. It is pretty rare for there to be a topic in which they are sharply polarized from men. There are very few pure "women's" issues. From Women behind almost half of individual Trump contributions in first three months of year by Eileen AJ Connelly.

Connelly buried the lead. It is no great surprise that women are nearly half of Trump's supporters.
More than 45 percent of the itemized individual contributions to Trump’s campaign for the first three months of the year came from women, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan research group that tracks money in US contests.

Woman accounted for nearly $1.5 million in Trump contributions. The president collected almost $1.8 million from male donors, bringing the total to more than $3.2 million.
Well and good.

But this? Now I am surprised.
Among the Democratic candidates, only two raised a higher percentage of their donations from women: New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and California Sen. Kamala Harris.
They don't provide the percentage breakdowns but I am guessing they are still pretty close.

Still, how many Democratic candidates are there at this point? 22?

And 20 of them had fewer women donors than Trump in terms of percentage donations between men and women?

That seems like news of a sort. It is certainly contra the narrative. No need to attach much significance to this. All these numbers are noisy, still, if you are going to pay attention to them, it is interesting when they do not align with the narrative.

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