Thursday, January 3, 2019

No longer fighting other people's wars for them

You don't see much counter-reporting to the general mainstream media hysteria that our proposed removal from Syria is a catastrophe. And it might be. All that I am certain about is that our foreign policy establishment is routinely dramatically wrong, routinely misses major international developments and is always playing catch-up to new realities. The fact that the Mandarin Class of experts is upset is almost a recommendation of the new policy.

Here is one of the more coherent counter-arguments on the value of the new policy. From Was the Syria withdrawal a brilliant move by President Trump? by Peter Grant.

It is as plausible as numerous disaster scenarios. As to probability, no one knows. A plausible story is not the same as a probable one, but is worthwhile keeping in mind all the scenarios, not just the worst ones.

UPDATE: Here is another take in a similar vein. Pros and Cons of the US pullout from Syria by Caroline Glick.

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