Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Masks are slipping, panic is rampant.

So much going on.  So many things way beyond acceptable norms.  Little point commenting on the individual items, the shouters will do that.

But the thought did occur to me today that either the Republicans have an uncharacteristically competent, indeed strikingly sophisticated digital campaign going on OR the Democrats have the most ham-fisted digital campaign.  The sequence of surprising headlines in the past couple of days are almost unbelievable.  

The truth of the individual charges are irrelevant.  It is not the facts of the argument.  It is that the argument is being suppressed.  

The GBD Fiasco - In the past 48 hours or so, we have had increasingly credible examples and evidence of an effort by Google to suppress awareness of the Great Barrington Declaration.  GBD is a group of epidemiologists, scientists and economists who have issued a declaration that lockdowns are an ineffective means of reducing disease transmission and carries with it massive negative economic, social, and health implications.  The same advice as now being advanced by the United Nations WHO.

In selected countries it has been seen that Google is forcing the GBD news off its results pages to where people will not find them.  Duck Duck Go and Bing will still take you to the right answers.

The Democratic Violence Fiasco - This is two part.  The Antifa-BLM riots of course but also some of the Project Veritas videos coming out now.  Particularly this one below.  This is not the original revelation, this is the follow-up when this member of the Colorado Democratic Party Executive and member of the Central Committee freely confirms that the earlier video of him calling for violence and winning by any means necessary and invoking the guillotine was accurate.  

Twitter's active campaign to suppress information harmful to their preferred candidate.  Twitter is undertaking the extraordinary role of covering up negative publicity against their favored campaign. 

Granted, the New York Post story may not be well documented, indeed may be inaccurate.  It certainly has plausibility given all else we have learned of Hunter Biden's business shenanigans and ethical blunders.  

The wording of the Twitter warning is Orwellian.  They won't let users share information of which Twitter disapproves because it might harm the campaign of their preferred candidate.  Yikes.  More than that, it boils down to Twitter claiming that the exercise of free speech can be suppressed because it might be harmful.

You would think they had been reared in the old Soviet Union.

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